Our Lent and Holy Week Schedule
"Be Gracious to Me"
Ash Wednesday, February 14, 6:30pm - Mutual Consideration (Psalm 41:1-2)
(The Ash Wednesday service includes the Lord's Supper.)
Lenten Midweek Services:
Wednesday, February 21, 6:30 pm - Sustained in Sickness (Psalm 41:3)
Wednesday, February 28, 6:30 pm - I Have Sinned (Psalm 41:4)
Wednesday, March 6, 6:30 pm - Soon and Never (Psalm 41:5)
Wednesday, March 13, 6:30 pm - Empty Words (Psalm 41:6)
Wednesday, March 20, 6:30 pm - Vindication (Psalm 41:7-8)
(Each midweek service is preceded by a meal at 5:30 in the gym.)
Holy Week Services:
Tuesday, March 26, 7:00 pm - The Living Last Supper and Crucifixion
Wednesday, March 27, 7:00 pm - The Living Last Supper and Crucifixion
Maundy Thursday, March 28, 6:30pm - My Close Friend (Psalm 41:9)
(The Maundy Thursday service includes the Lord's Supper.)
Good Friday, March 29, 6:30pm - Be Gracious to Me (Psalm 41:10)
Easter Services:
Sunday, March 31, 7:00 am - Easter Sunrise Service
Sunday, March 31, 9:00 am - Because of My Integrity (Psalm 41:12-13)
(The 9:00am service includes the Lord's Supper.)